Everything That is Given Is Not What I Planned

Monday, September 15, 2008

It is all so wonderful and crazy!! :)

I was in Target finally buying clothing for the little one and it was hysterical (I think) watching me and Mom shop for little boy underwear. Mom raised three girls. We were so serious about it all - comparing all the options and my Mom thinking maybe we should also get the little undershirts and it suddenly hit me - he is coming home. I almost sat down in the middle of the store and cried. And the jammies are so adorable. And then there is the grey hoodie that Mom absolutely insisted he needed to be "cool." Me I kept wanting to get the blue-striped shirts but of course Mom is right - he is a little boy and he needs the "get dirty in" clothing. He now has cargo pants with pockets for lots of cool stuff. Yeah!

And I finally let go of taking him the log and fiddlestixs set I found months ago. It is just too heavy. Instead I will take a plastic replacement that is much lighter. And my friend ZoeAnne had gotten him a viewfinder months ago and I made sure I bought many more "films" for all those times we will wait between Vlad and home. It is a quiet game. My little one is an audio processor so I suspect I have already gotten him way too much stuff that will annoy others. Me not so much.

I ran into an old friend who is a bit older last winter who is now married with a young boy. The little one was everywhere and my friend was so patient at entertaining the boy while we waited in a really long line at Petco for our pets. I finally told him as we rounded the corner of the second hour how terrific he was with his son. He smiled at me and said that when we become parents at an older age we more generally tend to have things figured out and may have slowed down enough in life so as to be there for, value, and spend time with our children. I hadn't thought about it before but he might have a point. My life is wonderful and full but aches for a child to be home. And I did finish the orange trim in his room.

And being there for him will be the highlight of life for me. I will be one seriously lucky duck if I am to be a Mom that can be there for him. He is really one cool dude. :)

So now onto the icky things. I do not want people to think I only paint rainbows in the sky because life is not like that. I will do everything in my power to make sure my little has nothing but opportunity and joy in his life but then of course life happens. Even in this glorious time in our lives.

United Airlines (I knew, just knew I should have gone with Aeroflot!!) almost missed ticketing my flights from Portland to Dulles. That was a serious moment of panic tonight. And there was the jaw-dropping behavior of my supervisor last Friday when he denied my leave request under the Family Leave Act. Hard to believe he is an attorney. Anyway the boss changed his mind over the weekend and "granted" the leave request. What a jerk. But it is not like I listened to him anyway. This is my son (maybe) and I will be there no matter what.

And I am getting on a plane to Russia (eventually) on Friday. I cannot wait!!!! Thank you God.


Cindy said...

Isn't it amazing that anyone would even hesitate to grant family friendly leave for an event like this? I'm not sure I knew they COULD deny it. I'm glad it worked out. I agree with your friend's comment about becoming parents at an older age. I am so grounded and secure in my life right now after learning all the "lessons" we go through and I truly value what is really important these days and all the other stuff just goes away. I cannot wait to spend time and share all that with a child. This is the best time in my life and the way I rear my daughter will blossom from that joy and security as well. I'm so excited for you, too!


whales50 said...

Sarah, I am so happy for you. I know how much you want to be a Mom and now it is coming true for you. Your son is going to be so blessed to have you for his Mom. You are truly a wonderful person who will give this child the most awesome gift of all - your love. I can't wait to hear about your reunion. Please keep us updated on how things are going in Vlad. I so hope that they waive the 10 day waiting period. Much love and happiness, Marilyn

Carey and Norman said...

I cannot believe your boss even considered denying it. I don't get it.

Loved the underwear shopping. Having our son was a similar experience for Mimi and I as I have two sisters. There is nothing cuter than you son walking around in his little superhero underwear!!

I'm so excited about your journey and cannot wait to follow your trip over the next few weeks. How fun to be able to experience Vlad once again with you. Please tell Irina and Lana hello from mimi, M****, and I.

Enjoy the warmer weather in Vlad too. It was beautiful when we were there this time last year.

Safe travels and lots of love!

MamaSten said...

YIPPEEEE! I haven't had a chance to read your blog lately, but I keep thinking about you and praying for you. I'm so glad that you finally got your court date. And you get to bring you little one home in time for his birthday and Halloween - he'll be on a sugar high for a while! I can't wait to read more of your posts and I hope we get to see a picture of the room with orange trim.
Have a great trip.
Take care,

Carey and Norman said...

Thinking of you today as you fly back to Vlad to bring your son home. Safe travels and lots of love!