Everything That is Given Is Not What I Planned

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Finally - he is my son legally

I went to court Friday, after it was moved from Thursday, and they awarded custody. Yeah!!!!! And I am one of the lucky ones, he will spend the ten day wait with me at the Vlad Inn. Of course when we picked him up from the orphanage they did not send his meds with us so the first few days were rough until they gave me meds here in Vlad. And they refused to tell me his schedule or foods that he eats but he and I are working it all out.

Just now, he opened the frig and then ran over and hugged me. He can eat anything he wants out of it and is seriously happy. He mostly sticks to the yogurt, sweet cheese, juice and fruit but every once in awhile the ham becomes a favorite. And he loves my granola bars. Yeah!!!

As for the tight connection in Moscow, it did not happen. It took over four hours to clear passport control and it was an absolute crush. When it became clear I would not make the flight to Vlad it was impossible for me to back up and get out of the crush of people. It was a bit scary. But I got through, bought a new ticket for the east and eventually found a room for the night.

Anyway, it is all good. It is time to pick up the laundry and go to dinner. Yeah!!!!


whales50 said...

Sarah, I am so glad that court went well and you get to spend the 10 day waiting period with your son. Doesn't that sound wonderful? Your son is so blessed to have you for his mom and now the fun begins. I am very proud of you and how you handled the Russian airport system. I couldn't have done it without Carey to help me, and still it was scary at times. Enjoy your days with your son and let us know how things are going. Love, Marilyn

Carolynn and Steve said...

Woo HOO! Congratulations on having your court go so well and having you son with you! Prayers that the next few days will be amazing and that you'll be safely home soon!

Roger and Joanne said...

Congratulations! You're going to make a wonderful mom to that sweet boy. Can't wait till you can post some pics. Also, feel free to share some details at time spent at the Vlad Inn. How's the food at the restaurant there? Can you walk to any restaurants? Enjoy the rest of your days in Russia with your son. Safe travels back.


Unknown said...

Congrats Sarah! how was he on the trip to court? did you get to see him before court date? Now you will have to teach me a few words ;-) can't wait until you guys are home!


debbiemetzger said...


Congratulations, We are so happy for you and him. Can't wait to see pictures. Try to enjoy every minute at the Vlad Inn before the other pressures of life get added back into your schedules. God Bless

Carey and Norman said...

Congratulations. We are so excited that you are officially a mom to your precious son. I cannot wait to hear more about your time together in Vlad. I've been thinking about you and praying for you all week. I'm just so glad after a long trip to Vlad, you were awarded immediate custody. How fun for your son to have free reign. I cannot wait to read your next post.

Much love coming your way.

MamaSten said...

Congrats, congrats, congrats!!! We can't wait to hear more and for your safe return home! You are both so lucky to have each other.