Everything That is Given Is Not What I Planned

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Oh my goodness - it finally happened!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I get to go and bring my little boy home. Yeah!!! Of course now I have to get myself to Russia in a little less than 10 days. Wow. That makes one head kind of spin. :) :) In a good way. I guess. Maybe not. So far I got a plane trip out of Moscow for me and the little one. The rest will come.

I got the call on my cell while I was biking to work from the gym. I cried in the shower with tears of joy. And then I got to work. There are so many people who are supportive where I work and today was a day where I tried to work, tried to figure out what to do first so that I can leave for Russia in 10 days and then deal with everyone being so happy for me. I actually kicked my beloved secretary out of my office this morning when she came to ask me why I wasn't in a meeting. I did it because I was busy calling the adoption agency and trying get moving. And then people kept walking me to coffee. (I do love a good latte!) At one point my mother observed that there was no way I should be having any more caffeine because I was already so over the moon.

My mom is so cool. She went to my house today to get my passport so that I could express mail it off to get the business visa I need to return to Russia. She is so way cool. I hope to be at least as half as good of a mom to the little one as she is to me. If I can pull that off he will be one lucky child.

Anyway, I need to go and try to get something more done. I just called United and they said to call back in an hour to see if they can give me a seat from Portland to Moscow. I certainly hope so!!! So far I have a ticket for me and the little out of Moscow so one way or another I will get there. I just really wanted to use all those frequent flyer miles I have been saving for this day!

I am so happy I will probably not be able to sleep! I miss the little one so and now he can come home. Life is Good.

I know everyone always talks about asking to waive the post court ten-day waiting period but I think that is an excellent time to bond with your child. I don't know about everyone else but my life kind of moves at very fast speeds. If nothing else, I have all these people that cannot wait to meet and love the little one. And help me out. And hang out while we work on being a family. Wow - I didn't even know I knew so many caring people. That being said, I think having that time in Russia with just me and the little one would be a good thing. No getting him up early for school before I rush off to my day. No kitties or dogs to ask for their personal quality time. Of course the little one loves animals but maybe just a few days where he and I spend time together would be nice.

He and I have a lot of catching time to do. His lifetime in fact. Spending that extra time in Vlad with him would be a blessing. That assumes that the director of his home would release him to me during the waiting period. I did not meet the director when I was there because she was sick. I had a wonderful time with the assistant director. What a totally amazing woman. Yet, I did not meet the person who can agree or disagree to the ten-day wait happening at the Vlad Inn so I do not know what to expect. The home is so far from Vlad that if the director will not release him, I will not spend too much time with him.

But you know the children I saw there were well cared for and well loved by those who have been charged with their care. If it is thier determination that it is in the best interest of all for me to wait alone, I will. I have been so totally impressed with the dedication and love of this staff I will of course agree with them about all of this. So there is the judge step and then the director step. I see my doctor Monday and have no intention of asking for the 10 day medical waiver even though my child is bilateral cleft for the reasons alluded to above.

It will all be as it needs to be and I will not worry this further. I have plane tickets out of Russia!!!! One with his name on it!!! I suspect I have gone on too long once again so I will let you go. I have a court date - yeah!!!!!!!

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