Everything That is Given Is Not What I Planned

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

So maybe there is a turn in the road ...

Sasha and I celebrated our birthday weekend recently (he is 10/23 and I am 10/24 - go figure!?!) and it was great! We did family things and had lunch at his favorite eatery - The Red Robin. They put the balloons "under our ears" and did the clap clap song. And there was ice cream. Sasha was over the moon. He had such a great day. He makes my momma heart just sing - every day.

Two days before his birthday we put on the first of his orthodontic devices. It is a palate expander. I know of no adult that would put up with such an intrusive and somewhat overwhelming device. Yet my son deals with it so amazingly. The orthodontist is a Harvard-trained artist that literally fitted the devise around every crock and nanny of Sasha's cleft anomaly. I know because I clean it all every day. It is funny - we are growing closer over that silly palate expander. We argue about foods he can eat, he eats them and then I come to help with the gagging. So my son still eats. And I clean. A lot.

The absolutely worst part of it all is turning the expansion key every week. It makes me break out in cold sweats. I only turn that key once a week but it is an image that haunts me. What if I turn it too much - or not enough. ?!??!?!? I would rather be back in the far north of Russia in the dead of winter than face this. Or maybe not.

Anyway, it is all good. We do well. Yesterday was not one of our banner days but at the end of it all Sasha loves me, Mama, because I came and got him. His words not mine. The rest is all surplus at the end of the day. My son is a miracle everyday. He is my miracle I found in Russia.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Why I went dark for awhile ...

The agency I adopted Sasha through has had illegal access to their files of adopting families. What that means I do not exactly know but if someone got my email address from the file, there is a good chance all bank numbers, etc., are now known to a man who formerly worked for the adoption agency but has been gone for awhile and now is finally free of all legal issues.

So I was mad, and hurt and scared and shut down this site. Given all the contacts, I am reopening the blog - even if no body is listening anymore.

Ultimately this site is about my miracle in Russia - my son Sasha. And he is the most amazing boy!!! If he can do it I can too!

Tomorrow we go the the Cranio-Facial eye doctor because a few months ago I noticed Sasha could not see the screen of my laptop while he sat on my lap and watched me type! Sasha has told me from the beginning he had glasses the kids at the orphanage took and broke. Recently I came upon some medical information obtained in Russia that confirms Sasha may need glasses. So off to the eye doctor we go!

On Wednesday we go to his orthodontist to begin to get some of the appliances on that that he needs in order to get ready for the bone grafts. Sasha is excited. At last we start!!!!!!!