Everything That is Given Is Not What I Planned

Friday, September 12, 2008

I am going to get My Son!

So I fly out on September 19th and will eventually arrive Vlad on the 23rd (I think). My court date is the 25th so one way or another I will be there. I am so looking forward to seeing my son before then. His home is so far from Vlad that may not happen but I hope it does!!! :) :)

And I hear that maybe my court date coincides with a family who may be adopting the most wonderful youth I met during my first trip to meet the little one. Everyday I was in the little one's home a child would enter the room and simply glow and smile. I learned from the Assistant Director and my translator his story. When another family came to adopt he eventually asked them if they would adopt him. That family said yes!!!!! When I was on my first trip the home was still waiting to hear that the family had started processing paperwork.

To think that I might have the same court date with that most amazing young man brings joy and then tears to my eyes. I was so worried I would go back to Spaack and see him still waiting. He had such peace and joy because people loved him enough to come back for him. I did not want to now see him hurting. It is such a blessing to have my court date with the family that gave that young man such joy.

I want to thank everyone for takng time to read this posting. I want as many children as it is possible to have a permanent loving home. When I was getting into the van from my second visit to the little one in March all the older male children jumped the orphanage grounds fence so as to run across road and visually "confront" the van. I never saw so much hurt and pain in the faces of children. They stood in a row. And the raw pain hurt me so much. I would ask anyone who can to please find these children and give them a good home. They are so wonderful in their own way. And I get to maybe have a court date wherein the child I saw in March, a child so full of hope and peace, gets his forever family. Life is never better than this. :) :)

Thank you eveyone for your kind thoughts and commnts. Take care and God bless, Mame Sarah


Cindy said...

I am so thrilled you will be on your way soon. Sounds like we will definitely meet while we're in Vlad. I am arriving on the 23rd, too, but my court date is the 26th. It will be great to get to know you! My Dad will be with me. Feel free to email me if you'd like before we all wing our way to Russia! schardtca@yahoo.com


Carey and Norman said...

How excited am I to see this post. I'm so happy for you and your son. I haven't checked on you for a few days as I thought you'd be waiting another few weeks before getting a court date. Had I known I needed to give you a few days before to receive a court date, I could have done that :o) So thrilled for you and I look forward to following your journey back to Vlad. Tell Lana and Irina hello from us.

marshawesttx said...

I have just tagged you to post 6 random things about yourself.

1.Link to the person that tagged you.

2.Post the rules on the blog.

3.Write six random facts about yourself.

4.Tag six people at the end of your post.

5.Let each person know they have been tagged.

6.Let the taggers know when your "6 Random Things" entry is up.

I enjoyed your blog.