Everything That is Given Is Not What I Planned

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

And then a miracle happened ...

Alex came home.  He has been home for a couple of months now.  The boy we all knew before the bullying broke him is back.  He is in a private school and is doing so well.  He is the family miracle.

We all missed this child.  He is kind.  He is boisterous.  He is bossy about the rules.  He likes to hang out at home with his grandmother.  He gobbles up my homemade morning coffee cake and grouses about dinner and then eats it all up with a smile.  He takes a few candies from the remaining candy cane stash interspersed with the cookies I make whenever he can.  He tells his sister what to do - and what to not do.  As is normal, his sister generally ignores him.  And then simply smiles.

My son avoids school work yet goes to bed early so he can go back to school tomorrow.  I have never seen a kid work so hard to go to bed.  :) 

And as is typical Alex, he refuses to cut his hair, other than his bangs, even though he goes to a rather conservative school where most of the boys sport crew cuts.  He has that sort of Russian poet look to him.  One of his reconstructive surgeons recently commented him on his "rock-and-roll" look of
which he noted, "some people pay a lot of money for that look."  My son had no idea what he was talking about of course - he is just being who he is - himself.

My son is back.