Everything That is Given Is Not What I Planned

Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Hospital Will Discharge Alex Tomorrow Morning

We still do not have a place for him to get help.  It is more than likely the Texas option is not viable and the hospital and insurance company have stopped actively looking for help for Alex.  The house braces for his return.  We have normal life here at home and we are all reluctant to give it up.

Alex has put on a lot of weight given the meds they have been pumping into to him.  I weep for the destruction his physical self.  He was such a natural athletic.  Worse, the meds have made no difference for Alex.

But nobody cares.  Alex desperately wants help.  NO ENTITY will give it to him.  I am his Mom and these people make me mad.  They threaten me.  They do not help Alex. 

I have been strongly encouraged at least five times by medical doctors to give up custody of Alex to the state.  I have strongly refused each time, with explicit reasons not the least being I love him.  Doctors have attempted to report me to CPS which is ironic since I was a model adoptive/foster mom on the domestic side of adoption.  Every doctor and medical facility has made it clear I should stop being Alex's Mom so they can decide what to do with him without my input.

When I refuse, they attack me and attempt to make my life miserable.  I am pretty miserable now.

What I also found out is that the hospital currently he is in has attempted to seriously commit Alex, a child with no determination of serious mental illness, to the State Mental Hospital.  My insurance kept talking about it and the medical doctors admitted that was a serious consideration for them.  I made them do an MRI to confirm there were no brain anomalies and hence, no reason to even consider sending him to the state mental hospital.  Within a day of those findings coming back, everyone is insisting he be discharged and come home.  

When I talk to the hospital, they tell me insurance no longer covers his stay and I am racking up costs of over $2000 a day.  Beginning yesterday!

I then call the insurance company and they tell me his medical bills are covered until the hospital discharges - tomorrow. 

So I have a child, in pain, dealing with a boatload of issues, and the system is attacking me to let him go into their care.  If I had already done that Alex would be committed to the State Mental Hospital with no hope. 

Of course Alex will come home.  He still does not have the help he needs.  The house braces for his return.

I think about the facility not even calling Alex's long term mental heath doctors for over five weeks of treatment so as to consult (Alex has been there six weeks now)  and I wonder what drives this plan to send Alex home.  The doctor that told me last week he did not bother to call those doctors even though he knew them well professionally.  He is now on vacation this week. 

Is Alex better?  Alex says no.  He does not sound better to me, either.   So, while I miss and love my most beloved son, we brace for his reentry into normal life. 

I once told a Russian judge that the American system would help Alex heal and provide support.  I was wrong.

Ironically, Alex is not currently suffering from issues about his time in Russia.  Rather he currently suffers from his abuse after coming home in the public school system.  If I were the Russians I am not sure if I would trust children to the American system either. 

Alex will come home tomorrow.  Please pray for him.  And for the family, too. 

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