Everything That is Given Is Not What I Planned

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

And Then God Blessed Our Home Today

Today started like every other day. Most of the time Sasha wakes up happy, like today. And I never rush the moment from sleep to "getting going." Often times we cuddle on the couch and say our good mornings (in Russian and English) before we start the day with the taking of medicine, vitamins and breakfast. So things went along. I kissed him goodbye and Mom drove him the four blocks to school. Normally, I then get a call sometime during the morning to come and get him. That did not happen today. When Mom went to pick him up, he refused to leave school before the day was done.

God has blessed this family. Sasha was interacting with the kids - even strange kids - and did everything that everyone else did. He did school work, he did art activities!! A child who has never colored anything other than a mass of scribbles brought home a paper crown nicely multi-colored. It is a miracle.

When he got home he was a normal little boy. Active, jumping off furniture and generally running amok - but totally normal in a little boy way. He had such a good day. AND HE HAS FRIENDS!!!! My mom saw him playing with others in his class and when I asked him about it tonight he said they were his friends and then rattled off their names.

He is simply not the same child. And so the day ends in peace. Sasha is fast asleep and the Dalmatians are snoring away on the couch. Life is blessed. Thank you God. And thank you to everyone who has kept us in your prayers. It is deeply appreciated. - Sarah


Carey and Norman said...

Congratulations! I'm so glad things went well for you today. What a blessing. I will continue to pray for God's healings and blessings for you and your family. I'm so happy for Sasha that he is finding peace and happiness in his new home. I'm so thankful for his new friends too! Yippee!

Bill and Myra said...

I am so happy that Sasha had such a good day. I cried when I read your post. I was just so overjoyed that he is finding his way.

You are an amazing Mom (and Sasha knows it!).

Blessings to you.
