Everything That is Given Is Not What I Planned

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

This too Shall Pass (a must see!)

I have been a bit of a missing person the past while. I apologize. I hope to rectify. I have been reading the words of the most amazing woman. I will explain later. Anyway, in addition to Alex having life changing reconstructive surgery he became a child that can be considered for a mainstream classroom. We are not there but it will happen - eventually - when he wants it more than he wants to test the world. Also, he is worried because his classmates like his mom and he does not want to share. :)

So the last couple years I have adopted his sister and was a foster-to-adopt parent in my state. I have been on quite a ride. Getting Daria out of a pysciatric ward in Russia was a breeze compared to what I have lived through domestically. The foster story is a story for another day.

Getting back to the most amazing woman - she is single and is the Mom to 39 kids. No kidding! And she warms my heart everyday. Her oldest daugther posted a link to this marching band from Notre Dame - it is called This Too Shall Pass. Here is the link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJKythlXAIY&feature=player_embedded#! You simply have to see it. It warms my heart and makes me glad to endure. Also I marched in my school days so it has a sense of home for me.

This most amazing woman makes me want to talk to the world again. I keep saying things on her blog and I finally realized, I am ready to talk again. The best of life - the good and the not so great.

And I want to talk about when the morning comes - and it does. As for the video I cannot decide which position I play in life. I would prefer to be the snare or acordian but I may be the voice.

oh yeah - my state told me Janaury 2012 they would never recommend me for adoption because I am single. After a dozen foster kids and two adoptive children, such words were unexpected. They also violate state and federal law.

I am ready to talk.

I filed a compliant with the federal agency that oversees state adoption operations.

I think I have found my voice again.

If you struggle with difficult children or are a trauma parent, check out the champion at: http://thebodiebunch.blogspot.com/

This woman is awesome.

Finally, on a personal note - no surgeries for Alex this year!!!!!!!!! And I will post pictures soon - I promise.