Everything That is Given Is Not What I Planned

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Good news and not so great news

Good news for Daria - no failure to grow issues.  I was really scared because there is a genetic deficiency condition which when failure to grow combines with cleft and a few other things, can mean pretty significant problems.  I was seriously worried.  But the tests came back in the normal range so she is just a tiny girl but no health concerns about it. 

The not so great news is that several different entities are testing Alex for delays, I.Q., etc.  Some of the early people on deck are giving out grave news and labels.  People in other camps such as the school are finding the conclusions and labels far off the mark.  What to do, what to do.  There are so many different angles with this kid. 

I will have to think about this some more. 

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