Everything That is Given Is Not What I Planned

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Families do what they do ...

I often think my posts are maudlin and I apologize if they seem a bit sad. As a family we are happy. As a family we often deal with difficult issues. There are the dramas and traumas but we are a family. When Sasha broke that slide in the latest pic we talked about it as a family, discussed the poor choices made and then got over it all.

Yeah I know the slide was only 10 dollars, but to Sasha is was part of his new water world theme park. It meant a lot. One of the hardest things I have had to learn is that what seems to be such a small thing to us is a literally mind-blowing experience for them. Sasha has no frame of reference about playing in a safe yard with simple toys. And so we work at getting him better.

And he is such a wonderful and happy boy. Everyday I know that God has blessed me with this child. And so this family does what we do. Everyday it is the same thing: get up, hang out a bit, eat, get dressed and go to work/school. Then go home hang out a bit, eat, put jammies on and go to bed. And repeat. That is the secret. An even family life.

That is no easy feat of course because I deal with my adult life issues and there are care taking hand off issues. And work issues. Just today something was seriously off in school because Sasha was off. Not bad or difficult but just "off."
But the family is happy. Sasha does so well, he cannot believe that all the love is truly there. He no longer questions me (most days) but love from the larger circle is still sinking in. So we continue. And that is the best thing of all.

1 comment:

wvamom said...

Your post just made me smile. I can see how much progress Sasha has made with you--the hope you have for him shines through your post. I'm glad you are having some normalcy in your life, between struggles. Carolyn