Everything That is Given Is Not What I Planned

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

So what if you did not get there in time?

I may not have been in time for Sasha. That is a question I struggle with everyday. Time is such a relative question. Time and the question it poses for abused children remains dark. The question of "Am I in time?" is something I struggled through the entire adoption process. I was one of those adoptive parents that had my paperwork done within the first month. And then there were delays. And more paperwork requested. And more delays. Blah, blah, blah.

Sasha is now home and we are trying to unravel it all for him. Everyday, as the parameters of my life erode in an attempt to save him, I think how did it happen?
  • Did anyone tell me this would happen if Sasha left Russia - no they did not.
  • Did I do anything wrong - no I did not!
  • Did family, friends or work do anything wrong - no they did not!
  • Did Sasha do anything wrong - no he did not!

So every day I find nothing but hell. Sasha pretty much worsens by day. There is no real place to turn. Friends and family are done. Work keeps me on but I wonder how long. The American doctors are now turning down the mood modification drugs and starting at level one. So far so good - no seizures. Just really, really outrageous behavior.

At the end of the day I ask myself - did I get there in time? If you ask me I would say no - I did not get there in time to save the Sasha that once was. I am simply trying to save what is left.

I ask you - how hard is that? And yeah, sometimes I cry.


Carey and Norman said...

Dear Sarah,

Just wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you and praying for you and Sasha. I'm so sorry to hear about his worsening behaviors. If there is anything we can do or you just need to talk...please call!

Many Blessings and lots of hugs coming your way-


Tina said...


We cannot take damaged children back to what they would have been but a loving mother like you can take Sasha forward to a good place. I'm so sorry for all the struggle you and he have to endure to get there.

Charlotte said...


So glad to hear from you, evening if it sounds worse. Don't ever stop writing, we care about you in the adoption world and back you up no matter what you do or don't do.
