Everything That is Given Is Not What I Planned

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Alex Continues to Impress During the Medical Crisis

My mom went went back into ICU yesterday.  What a difficult time this is becoming.  We are now in a marathon for her survival.  We all went to see her first thing this morning and Alex impressed all the medical people.  The doctor coming over from acute care remembered Alex from a couple of years ago and how wonderful he was in calming a baby that had been placed in my home in a preadoptive placement during vaccination's.  Even my Mom's ICU nurse unbent enough to note how wonderfully both my children, but especially Alex was behaving.  The doctors even did their rounds right next to them outside the room and they were wonderfully behaved.  All the doctors left smiling.  One resident even gave me a thumbs up.

Alex is like this hero that literally stands up in the face of adversity and is simply amazing.  He too is suffering because my Mom is so sick, but he is also noting when she is getting better.  And she did enough today to go back to acute care but it is work.  Because the acute care docs now know who I am as the daughter of my Mom but formerly known as the Mom to Alex, Daria and my other kids, they now make sure I know what is going on.  It is kind of sweet the way the doctor from acute care said, "I know you!" when he saw me.  He went home to Japan when then disaster hit there and he and I had talked about that part of the world because Vlad is just across the water from Japan.  I now get calls about even the most routine of risk issues from all the nurses and doctors.  It is a marathon for survival and there are lots of less than wonderful options to address. 

Alex even quiets the house down, including his still seriously loud sister, while I take the doctor consults.  A lot of it seems like the spin of a roulette wheel. The best I can say is I pray.  It looks like months and months now.  The family has to move to a place of functionality.  I just do not know what means right now.

What I remained impressed about is Alex.  He does well with crisis.  When life gets serious, he steps up.  I will again concede that he is not being hit or hurt at school and that probably helps him be the wonderful little boy he normally is in life.  That being said, we go back to his old school for testing on Tuesday so as to see where he is academically baseline and if there are additional special ed supports that should be in place.  I prepare for it to be what it will be.  After it all, we will go to swimming lessons and an outside speech therapist who is magic with Alex so I hope if it isn't a great day while at school, it will be the end of the day that will get us through. 

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