Everything That is Given Is Not What I Planned

Friday, July 27, 2012

And then there was calm

Today was simply just a normal day.  Kids get up, eat breakfast, dress and then go through the day.  I kept giving Alex Benedryl on schedule but that was no big deal.

Normal life.  Kids playing.  Kids eating lunch and playing games during mealtime.  A kid playing a video game while another read a book to a doll.  Later, the laughter of children playing in the water during a hot summer day.  Kids doing chores together like taking the garbage out and picking up their things.  Normal life.  So boringly dull.  Gosh I love it so. 

The kids love it too. 

It is like yesterday is just yesterday and casts no shadow on our today.  And that it is how it should be.  PTSD is a funny thing - find the switch in a kid (or adult), turn it off and nnormalcy returns.  What drives Alex to such extremes has really nothing to do with me or the family.  What brings him back to normalcy has everything to do with us, me his mother, and his family. 

A couple of times today he came, grinned at me and told me he loved me.  A couple of other times he told me silly jokes, waiting for my predictable responses (it was not the first time he had told those jokes).  Mostly there was just a laid back reaffirmation of the rhythm of our life.  I am still Mom with a practical bent but who also allows them to run through the house while soaking wet.  Like I explained to my mom, in perfect Pacific Northwest logic, "it will dry."  Since it is hot outside, the water will dry weeks earlier than it would otherwise.  :)  My area of the country is significantly wet most of the year. 

So life is still just normal life.  I do not know what tomorrow will bring but it will be okay.  We are a happy, loving family.

Like I always say, Alex has hardened my position on adoption.  We all had such a joyous day. That would have never happened for any of us without me taking that leap of faith and then holding firm.  I will continue to stand on this front line of adoption joyfully and with thankfulness.

God has blessed this family.

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