Everything That is Given Is Not What I Planned

Monday, August 18, 2008

Sorry for checking out for awhile ...

Some of those who I love so well reminded me that people would like updates so here I go. ALL THE PAPERWORK IS DONE!!! YEAH!!! And the little one's room is mostly done. I am not sure if I talked about it before but when I asked him what his favorite color was he indicated orange. Tangerine orange to be exact. (I personally thought - ick!!) That made this mama-to-be sad given I was hoping to paint his room in the said favorite color when the expected response was to be blue or green. A sign of what it is to be mom. I cannot wait for the horny toads of which my mother remembers so fondly. A total yuck.

I have struggled to accommodate his indication and find resolution between his preference and my inane American need to personalize his room. It seems so like such a silly thing but as many of you know those of who wait try and fix that which is in our control and let God deal with the rest. Hence, the trim in the yellow room will be orange and there are accents that should even out everything aesthetically.

The best thing about the room is that it will reflect the Russian cartoon character Chebrushka which, to the little one, is the story of his life. The little one is a cleft child and while Russia has been fantastic in giving him a functional face and nose, others still tease him. He of course thinks he is beautiful and I thank God for a picture of that moment. On the first day I met him he kept squeezing the toy I brought for him. Then the caretaker (who is so fantastic!) did the same thing so on the second day I asked to stop at a toy store and bought the only stuffed toy that made a sound when squeezed. I found out later it was a well-known Russian cartoon character. In the story, a strange creature arrives somewhere in Russia in an orange crate. To my American eyes Chebrushka looks like a cross between a monkey and a panda bear. Anyway, in the story Chebrushka has no friends because he looks kind of funny until he is befriended by a crocodile, finds a home, other friends and goes to school.

Once I gave that doll to my little one he walked around and played it non-stop until I asked the translator what the toy was singing (my Russian was not up to that!). So it all works out. God puts us on the path. It is our job simply to put one foot in front of another. And trust. And now his room is done in a monkey theme. It is nice since my favorite stuffed toy was a monkey when I was a kid. Seems like a good fit.

On to other things. I finished my art history classes with A's. Now am going to the gym daily in addition to biking to and from work. And I study Russian daily even though it often drives me to my knees. It helps to be distracted. It really does. In addition to getting the little one's room finished I painted most of the first floor of my house. While the more public rooms are done in a tasteful plum and watercolor lily, the master bath was treated to an intense pink. It is so pink it made the adjacent hallway glow. Wow. :) I might have to repaint that next year but for now it really kick starts the day.

So I continue to wait for the travel email. At 5 plus months it hurts. It is my little boy I need to bring home. But I keep finding things to handle for the little one. Portland Oregon public schools have a federal grant for full Russian immersion from kindergarden through high school and I have been working with people to get the little one in sync with it all. There is no other program like it in the country. In addition, Portland has two medical centers that have state-of-the-art, international traveling, cleft palete intervention teams one of which is connected to our Children's hospital so he is covered for medical issues as well as educational needs. As soon as we land, I call and he is in process so that we can evaluate what he needs now. He was a baby when I started this adoption and now he is a young man. My heart hurts.

I miss him so much. People ask me why I adopt internationally, and frankly I am still not sure of the answer. I know I was searching for my child and God brought me to him. He is such a wonderful child and I am so lucky. Thank you God.

I ask you all, if you will, to pray that we finish all this silly legal process stuff soon so that the little one can come home. He is the most amazing child. When I look at him all I can say is WOW.


debbiemetzger said...

Mama Sarah,

We are so glad you posted, we will pray you hear of your travel date very soon so you can bring your precious little boy home to his wonderful bedroom full of monkeys. We hope and pray to see you in Russia.

Debbie and David

MamaSten said...

I have been thinking about you lots lately. I sooo hope to hear of a court date for you soon. You and little one are in our prayers.
Take care,

Cindy said...

I am glad to see you have a new post. I too, have been waiting for over 5 months now to go back to Vlad to get my daughter and come home. It's heavy on my heart on most days and I miss her so deeply. Perhaps we will cross paths on our travel back? I hope so! Blessings to you. Hang in there.

Kansas City

Charlotte said...

Glad to find some single mom's adopting from Vlad. I am starting the process now and so forward to adoptimg an older girl.

My three younger childre are from China. My son was home at age 2.5 with an unrepaired cleft palate, repaired lip. If you have any questions feel free to email me.

Charlotte and crew

Carey and Norman said...

Oh Sarah,

My heart goes out to you. I'm so sorry you've had to wait so long to return. I know you are ready to bring your boy home and had thought you would have news by now. You remain in my thoughts and prayers.

Much love is coming your way!!

whales50 said...

Hi Sarah, It is so good to hear from you. I have asked Carey many times if she has heard any news regarding your adoption. I just know that it won't be long before you receive that call telling you when you can go and see your son again. I feel so blessed to have had the chance to meet you and spend time with you in Vlad and Moscow. Sarah, you are going to be such a wonderful mom. Much love, Marilyn

Mama Sarah said...

Whale 50 is such an amazing mom. I saw her in action and in love I hope I will do half as well when I am a mom. Thank you for keeping me in your prayers. Take care, Sarah

Mama Sarah said...

To charlottes4angels - Vlad is a totally cool place to be when you adopt. The people who help in country are so wonderful. Go luck on the process.

Mama Sarah said...

Cindy in Kansas. I hope to cross paths with you soon. It is six months today since I met my son and I hope to bring him home soon. You take care, Sarah

Mama Sarah said...


You totally amaze me!!! Thank you for keeping me in your prayers. You are my idol. If you ever need a baby sitter please call me. I will be there. You and your family are such an inspiration to me. I totally miss you and simply wish we could do lunch. Please take care and kiss all the babies for me. You are such a lucky duck!!! I keep you in my nightly prayers too.