Everything That is Given Is Not What I Planned

Monday, June 7, 2010

Surgery went well!

It is amazing what they can do. Sasha now has a lip and there is that magic space between the nose and his new lip. It is a beautiful thing. And Sasha has been amazing through it all. No complaints. At first I thought he was quiet because of the meds but I think he finally understands that I love him and I am here to help. He is still swollen and there are stitches everywhere but, oh my goodness it is a beautiful sight to see.

And Sasha is a changed child. I keep joking that the doctors gave him a personality change during surgery but it really feels like they did. At first I kept looking at him to see if it really was my kid. Gone is the constant challenges and defiance. Gone are the outbursts and the constant negativity. Things had gotten so much better than last year that I thought we were in a calm space. Since surgery all the negativity is gone, simply gone, like it never existed.

In his place is a gentle child who likes a good joke and laughs a lot. In his transformation I see a message for all adoptive parents of these sometimes difficult to parent children and I am still trying to wrap my brain around it.


Carey and Norman said...

So wonderful to catch up and read how well Sasha is doing. I'm so thankful that surgery went great and that he is healing well. I can imagine his confidence has grown after surgery and that he is a new, young man!

Thinking of you!

wvamom said...

Amazing! that is wonderful! I'm so thankful that all your hard work is paying off!

Cindy said...

I'm so happy to hear this! That's wonderful. Prayers are answered!


wvamom said...

Hope the reason we're not hearing from you is you're getting to have a "normal" and blessed real life! Do update us sometime!