Everything That is Given Is Not What I Planned

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Somedays I am just so proud!!!

As some of you may know, being a parent is often a lot of loving while correcting and molding behavior. The redirection of institutional behavior as it combines with PTSD often seems like such an uphill battle. Rewarding but tiring. My son, who is such a survivor has given me many moments of growth opportunities as he reaches new heights.

So it was with much trepidation that I approached the birthday party of a neighbor kid. Sasha and I have been really sick so at the last minute I said no to going to the actual party but we still had the gift. It was so sweet really, Sasha picked out a multi-game package with SpongeBob. I sweated bullets over both this present choice and the fact that it would have to be given away but Sasha came through with flying colors. I wrapped it up with a bow (Sasha had never seen such a thing) and then he carefully walked it over and gave it to the birthday boy. He stayed to see it unwrapped, was happy Jake (the birthday boy) liked the gift and then was able to go back home.

What an amazing boy. And so sweet. Mostly Sasha is about defining boundaries about what is his. And most days what constitutes his is everything in sight. (We are still working on filling those reservoirs of unmet need.) Yet today he gave a gift from the heart with no strings attached and no regrets. I am so proud of my son. He is such an amazing person. My life is so much richer for him.

I am so lucky. I hope that all who read this blog are well. May God keep you close. - Sarah

p.s. Next week we go to my favorite county fair - I cannot wait to see if we bring chickens home! Sasha adores them and I remember taking care of them from my childhood. I am certain we do not do something so rash. :) Or maybe we will. :) Or maybe Sasha will just get a cool cowboy hat like his Mom. Life is good.


Tina said...

What an amazing step for Sasha!!

wvamom said...

Wow! What progress he has made! I am glad you have this experience to rejoice in. Carolyn